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>Restricted Access

Restricted Caves under normal conditions

The following is a list of caves where access is either restricted or has been cut off. As the situation can change dramatically in a very short period, cavers are requested to check local knowledge. Remember, it is normal and recommended that all cavers where possible request access permission from the landowner responsible.

Co. Clare

Poll an Ionain: Td Craggycorradan West: The subject of ongoing planning permission. It is proposed by the present land owner to develop a Show cave here. Access is Denied

Inch Cave: Td Inch / Kilmailey: Cavers are advised to avoid this cave in Winter because of a large number of hibernating Horseshoe bats.

Poulnadatig: Because of its important bat population this cave has been gated.

Co. Fermanagh

Marble Arch System: This system is extensively gated and access has been negotiated by SUI on behalf of registered bona-fide cavers. Those cavers seeking access should write to The Manager, Marble Arch Cave centre, MarlBank, Florencecourt, Co. Fermanagh.

Pollaraftara -Legland Rising Area: Access is strictly by permission of the Landowner.

Reyfad: Access is strictly by permission of the Landowner.

Pollnacrom: Access is strictly by permission of the Landowner.

Polltullybrack: Access is strictly by permission of the Landowner.

Boho Caves : Upper revine area: Should NOT be visited under any circumstances because of roosting bats.